Asher Strategies Radio
Best Practices and Sales and Marketing Strategies to Help You Close Deals Faster

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Add the ASHER Sales Sense skill to your Alexa capable device to play the most recent or choose from a list.
This program is an extract with guest Beth Berman from the program, Are You Running Your Business or is Your Business Running You? In this portion of the program, Beth discusses says, “At the highest level when we look at a business, there are three main areas that we look at and can strengthen in order to have a business grow and scale. And they're interdependent. The three are vision, traction and healthy.”

Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Three Techniques Elite Salespeople Leverage During the Sales Process
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Add the ASHER Sales Sense skill to your Alexa capable device to play the most recent or choose from a list.
You’re an experienced sales professional and you know everything there is to know aboutyour offerings and have seen every customer situation imaginable. You should be at the top ofyour game. But your closing results are soft. Could it be headwinds in your marketplace?Time of year? Sunspots? Maybe, just maybe it’s the small things you’ve forgotten over timeor never paid much attention to the artful techniques that separate elite salespeople fromthe pack.

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sales and Incentives in the New Economy
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Add the ASHER Sales Sense skill to your Alexa capable device to play the most recent or choose from a list.
In the new economy, business leaders are challenged to find the right kind of talent and get it distributed throughout their entire organizations. The old economy featured public companies offering products, lengthy careers, talent at the top, long-range plans, and annual performance reviews. The new economy features private companies offering services, composite careers, talent throughout, fast-moving markets, and performance reviews on demand. It’s a seismic shift that requires the most out of sales professionals. How are you going to compensate them? How are you going to make them happy and keep them?

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Add the ASHER Sales Sense skill to your Alexa capable device to play the most recent or choose from a list.
Topics covered during the program include some myths about LinkedIn, and the bare minimum every professional needs to have on their LinkedIn profiles and the hidden power of Linkedin’s Sales Navigator.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Revolutionize HOW You Work for Maximum Efficiency and Better, Faster Results
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Add the ASHER Sales Sense skill to your Alexa capable device to play the most recent or choose from a list.
With too much to do, too many emails and too little time, it can be a struggle to finish projects, meet deadlines and get results on time and on target. Many professionals are working reactively and at a rapid pace, just trying to keep up, which often brings feelings of stress, frustration and overwhelm.

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Using Cognitive Biases to Positively Influence Sales Prospects.
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
The sales process has been with us since before recorded history. It has been surveyed, examined, distilled, analyzed, and assessed. It would seem we’ve identified all we need to know about how sellers and buyers meet and agree. And yet, research into the human condition shows that ancient elements in sales processes are more deeply rooted than we previously thought.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
The Goal Setting Action That Increases Results by 4-10X - Shawn Doyle Podcast
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
It’s now two thirds of the way into 2019. How are you coming along on those personal and professional goals you set for yourself at the first of the year? Not so great, huh? Well, you’re not alone. Few of us make real progress on our goals because we don’t set ourselves up for success. We ignore the process and leave the content in the wish list.

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Speeding-Up Big Ticket Sales - Mike Schmidtmann 5 Minute Podcast
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Buyer indecision can kill your sales. Why do customers procrastinate in making buying decisions, and what can you do about it? Research from Gartner to Forrester indicate sales cycles are getting longer and more complex, and this is creating stress for sales organizations and salespeople.

Monday Aug 12, 2019
How to Get More Out of Personality Assessments
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Let’s face it. Creating the kind of sales team you need to meet urgent sales goals is difficult. You look at resumes and they all seem the same. You conduct interviews and no candidate stands out from the others. What do you do? Take a flier on the one you like or look for more data?

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
This program is an extract from John Ashers program:
How Neuroscience Disrupts the Standard Sales Process
In four minutes John outlines how sales has changed from just the process and art of sales to a science-based discipline.
The sales process has been with us prior to recorded history. In modern times it has been surveyed, examined, distilled, analyzed, and assessed.

About Our Host John Asher
John is an experienced international speaker on sales, sales management and marketing for Vistage, a worldwide network of CEOs.
He co-founded an engineering firm in 1986. He and his team grew the company at a compounded growth rate of 42% per year for 14 straight years. During his tenure as CEO, the company acquired seven other engineering and software development companies. His team sold the company in 1997 after growing annual revenue to $165m.
In 1998, he co-founded a sales advisory services practice that has grown into a global leader in sales strategies. These strategies include sales, sales management and marketing. His team has trained over 80,000 Executives, Salespeople and other customer-facing managers in 22 countries over the past 19 years.
His team has advised a number of Global Fortune 5000 companies including Goldman Sachs, General Dynamics, Alibaba, China Mobile and 1400 other small and medium sized companies.
In his first career, John was the captain of two nuclear submarines like the Dallas in the movie “Hunt for Red October”. He completed his Navy career in the Pentagon as the Program Manager (buyer) of a $2B nuclear submarine combat systems program. More here >