Asher Strategies Radio

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
What Buyers are Telling Us About Digital Transformation
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
In this final piece of John Asher's series on Digital Transformation. Do you think your company has already been digitally transformed? How about your sales team? This isn't just for larger companies. Smaller companies are in trouble because with AI, it's easier and almost effortless for larger companies to dominate the areas that were formerly reserved for smaller companies. Successful companies that have truly transformed their businesses are using AI to really transform their strategic planning and marketing plans. In this episode, John cites tools and companies to help any size company successfully accomplish this.
Listen to the first two pieces to have all the tools you need. You'll want the tools and the understanding as to why the buyer's behavior has permanently changed.
The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need
5 Ways the Buyer’s Behavior has Permanently Changed

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
5 Ways the Buyer’s Behavior has Permanently Changed
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Did you know that 10% of buyers will spend up to a million dollars a year per transaction without ever speaking to a sales rep? 30% will buy up to have a million per transaction without ever speaking to a rep. Digital transformation is here to stay. For many companies, it's a game of catch-up. In order to know what you need to change, you first have to understand what has permanently changed in the buyers' behavior. Listen to John Asher run through those five ways and the WHYs to give you the understanding and fuel you need to implement these changes to outshine your competition. This is just one point covered. You'll want to take notes in this episode of Asher Sales Sense.
Catch the previous episode in this series: The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
John talks about the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 rule. People are interacting with buyers 1/3 of the time in person, 1/3 of the time on a remote platform like Zoom or the final 1/3 of buyers are just buying themselves on companies' websites, eCommerce sites, interactive portals, sometimes even mobile apps. All that face-to-face we were doing before is not going to be available in the future. And we ask the buyers, "Do you like this new omnichannel way of buying?" They'll say, "Yeah, we, we love it. In many cases, it's, we're much more productive."
In this discussion, John talks about the 5 new skills all sales professionals must possess. You'll want to listen to this more than once.
Thorough research on the buyer's need.
This consistent video marketing,
Increasing the operational proficiency on the VC platforms and, um, keeping
Keeping your LinkedIn profile totally up to date eight.
Putting the buyer first.