Asher Strategies Radio

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
How Brand Messaging Can Smooth the Path to Revenue Growth
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
John Asher interviews Kate Di Leo, a branding and messaging strategist, about the role of marketing in driving revenue for companies. They discuss how marketing and sales need to work together in tandem with aligned messaging to generate more qualified leads, increase close rates, and shorten sales cycle times. Kate emphasizes the importance of understanding the buyer's persona, particularly their pain points, and crafting messaging that speaks directly to those concerns. She also discusses the trend of marketing becoming more ascendant in B2B companies, with marketers taking a more active role in revenue operations and leading the conversation at the table.
In terms of marketing tactics, Kate stresses the value of creating conversations that convert, rather than simply broadcasting messages through megaphone marketing. She notes that video and podcasting are effective methods for creating conversations, but that face-to-face interactions should not be overlooked, whether in-person or through digital channels. Ultimately, Kate's methodology is geared towards founder-led organizations or C-suite leaders who are looking to align their marketing and sales efforts to drive revenue growth.
Links from this episode:Kate DiLeo on LinkedInKate DiLeo's webisteJohn Asher on LinkedInASHER STRATEGIES

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Lessons for Marketers: Adapting to the Changing Landscape of ChatGPT
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
In this episode, John Edwards will answer some of the burning questions about ChatGPT and the impact it has on the world of marketing. He’ll give us some insight into the technology behind it and the legal challenges it faces. Today, John Asher's guest is John Edwards, a partner at Communica, a marketing and public relations agency. John is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and he’s here to talk to us about one of the hottest topics in the industry: ChatGPT.
John will explain how ChatGPT works and why it sometimes gets things wrong. He’ll also discuss the threat ChatGPT poses to traditional search and companies like Google. He’ll share his thoughts on the future of SEO and what marketers should be thinking about as the world starts to change.
Christopher Penn once said, “Build your insurance policy.” and John will tell us what this means for marketing professionals. He’ll explain what reliable reach is and discuss some of the reliable reach channels available, such as first-party data lists, private social media communities, and best content landing pages.
Finally, John will share some lessons and tips for marketers and companies. He’ll explain what they need to start doing to adapt to this changing landscape.
So, get ready to learn everything you need to know about ChatGPT and its impact on marketing. Let’s dive into the interview and get some answers from John Edwards, an expert in the field of A.I. and ChatGPT.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Aligning Sales and Marketing Strategy and Execution to Optimize Growth
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
One of the most difficult and enduring challenges business leaders face is the misalignment of sales and marketing. And Brian Beveridge knows how to fix this. Even if you have winning talent and winning solutions, if you can’t get your sales and marketing strategy and execution working seamlessly you’re missing out on money.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Top Cognitive Biases for Salespeople to Master: Seven Through Twelve
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
In our previous episode, John Asher covered the 6 Most Important Cognitive Biases a Salesperson Must Overcome.
In this episode, John talks about the next six cognitive biases out of the 47 that pertain directly to sales and marketing:
Status Quo Bias
Rationale and Consistency Biases that go together
Clear Distinction Bias
Active Emotional Engagement Bias
Commitment Bias
John also went over the best architecture of a customer story.
Start with the buyer's need and any emotions expressed by them
Relate the story directly to the buyer
Include the details of how you helped them so they can see you were really involved
Include the financial benefit the buyer got
Tell the story about how the buyer's emotion was at the end.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Six Most Important Cognitive Biases for Salespeople to Master
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
There's been this international consortium of neuroscientists in 70 countries, sharing their research, sharing their studies in the cloud. So all of them get to see what everybody else is doing. The growth of this knowledge is really just exponential. If you go to Wikipedia and type in cognitive bias, see there are 184 of them. Asher Strategies has analyzed all 184 of them and boiled them down to 15 or 20 of them that apply really directly to sales that can have a big impact. In most cases, they apply to marketing as well. We are covering the first six in this episode of Asher Sales Sense.
compliment bias
reciprocity bias (The Chinese call this Ren-Chang-Ching)
similarity bias
anchor bias
single option aversion bias
choice paradox bias

Tuesday May 03, 2022
How do you hook prospects to stay, listen, then tell their story?
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
In this episode, John Asher is joined by the author of "Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell", Mike Adams. One of the best ways to get someone, specifically a business prospect, to pay attention to you is by being a great storyteller. And who better to explain this than a best-selling author? Mike and John are here to explain the difference a great story can make, and the effects storytelling has on the brain... and your sales. You'll want to bookmark this episode, hosted by John Asher, with special guest Mike Adams, "How do you hook prospects to stay, listen, then tell their story?".
About John's guest, Mike Adams:
Engineer turned salesman, Mike Adams taught himself storytelling ‘on the job’ while selling and managing sales teams in the United Kingdom, Russia, India, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Australia for international corporations Schlumberger, Siemens, Nokia, and Halliburton. Since 2014, Mike has been helping companies find and develop their own stories through his storytelling consulting practice.
Pick up a copy of Mike's Book, "Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell" from Amazon.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
What Buyers are Telling Us About Digital Transformation
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
In this final piece of John Asher's series on Digital Transformation. Do you think your company has already been digitally transformed? How about your sales team? This isn't just for larger companies. Smaller companies are in trouble because with AI, it's easier and almost effortless for larger companies to dominate the areas that were formerly reserved for smaller companies. Successful companies that have truly transformed their businesses are using AI to really transform their strategic planning and marketing plans. In this episode, John cites tools and companies to help any size company successfully accomplish this.
Listen to the first two pieces to have all the tools you need. You'll want the tools and the understanding as to why the buyer's behavior has permanently changed.
The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need
5 Ways the Buyer’s Behavior has Permanently Changed

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
5 Ways the Buyer’s Behavior has Permanently Changed
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Did you know that 10% of buyers will spend up to a million dollars a year per transaction without ever speaking to a sales rep? 30% will buy up to have a million per transaction without ever speaking to a rep. Digital transformation is here to stay. For many companies, it's a game of catch-up. In order to know what you need to change, you first have to understand what has permanently changed in the buyers' behavior. Listen to John Asher run through those five ways and the WHYs to give you the understanding and fuel you need to implement these changes to outshine your competition. This is just one point covered. You'll want to take notes in this episode of Asher Sales Sense.
Catch the previous episode in this series: The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
The Five New Skills Sales Professionals Need
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
John talks about the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 rule. People are interacting with buyers 1/3 of the time in person, 1/3 of the time on a remote platform like Zoom or the final 1/3 of buyers are just buying themselves on companies' websites, eCommerce sites, interactive portals, sometimes even mobile apps. All that face-to-face we were doing before is not going to be available in the future. And we ask the buyers, "Do you like this new omnichannel way of buying?" They'll say, "Yeah, we, we love it. In many cases, it's, we're much more productive."
In this discussion, John talks about the 5 new skills all sales professionals must possess. You'll want to listen to this more than once.
Thorough research on the buyer's need.
This consistent video marketing,
Increasing the operational proficiency on the VC platforms and, um, keeping
Keeping your LinkedIn profile totally up to date eight.
Putting the buyer first.

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Building Sales Pipeline with Cold Calling, Podcasts, and Video
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
This Asher Sales Sense Podcast - “Building Sales Pipeline with Cold Calling, Podcasts, and Video” - features host John Asher with guest Collin Mitchell, Chief Revenue Officer of Salescast, the only fully-managed tech and service stack offering an end-to-end thought leadership platform. Collin Mitchell is also the host of the Sales Transformation Podcast.
Many sales professionals believe that cold calling is dead, that podcasts don’t bring revenue, and video is a waste of money. Collin Mitchell gives examples of why these commonly-held beliefs are false. It’s all in how these messaging technologies are applied, not in the capabilities themselves.
How can you identify which people will pick up the phone?
Are there automated ways to help you get more phone connections?
Which people listen to podcasts and watch videos?
Do “blended” approaches work? With whom?
What is “intent data” and what value does it have?
Is it possible to research podcasts to get inside the C-Suite?
Do you know what podcasts your clients listen to?
How effective is the use of video in the first sales touch?
Can you use video to help your coaches sell for you inside their companies?
Listen to the answers of these questions and learn new ways to build more pipeline by turning your sales craft into sales art.