Asher Strategies Radio
Best Practices and Sales and Marketing Strategies to Help You Close Deals Faster

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Connecting Personally Through Technology to Sell Authentically
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
We are approaching a year spent selling in pandemic conditions. The virus has taken much from us and forced us to change the ways in which we live and work. In the beginning we thought we could muddle through for a few weeks. Those weeks stretched to months and months. But our initial fears have given way to resilience. We’ve found we can continue operations and sell to customers using technology platforms. But at what cost? Are the benefits of technology robbing us of closer contact in our business relations? Could we do better in connecting with each other?

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Digital Selling: Four Ways Elite B2B Competitors Master the Market
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
This is the third in a series of discussions between John Asher and John Edwards on digital capabilities and trends in sales and marketing. The first was “Digital Presence: The Five Ways Elite B2B Competitors are Beating You Online.” The second was “Digital Strategy: How Elite B2B Competitors Get It Right and How You Can, Too.”

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Digital Strategy: How Elite B2B Competitors Get It Right and How You Can Too
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
You might be in the majority if you think B2B digital strategies don’t work. And you’d be wrong. The reason is that it’s hard to get them right. Let’s say you already (1) have access to people who know what they’re doing in the digital realm and (2) your systems are driving leads to operationally functional sites. That’s good. You’re avoiding two common problems in this arena. But what about the biggest problem: failure to have a solid B2B digital strategy?

Monday Jan 04, 2021
The Five Ways Elite B2B Competitors Are Beating You Online
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Is your company’s digital presence competitive? You invest a lot for it, but are you getting the results you need or are you getting pushed around by the A players? Maybe it’s not the quantity of money you spend on digital presence that’s as important as the quality of the strategies and tactics you use. What if you could make a few key adjustments and quickly be more effective in attracting business?
This Asher Sales Sense Podcast – “The Five Ways Elite B2B Competitors Are Beating You Online” - features host John Asher with guest John Edwards, Executive Vice President at Communica, helping companies with digital marketing and sales initiatives. His areas of focus include strategic consulting, digital tools, and platform integration, including marketing automation, CRM, social media and content development - all designed to accelerate marketing and sales.

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
If You Can Have a Conversation, You Can Sell
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Is your lack of sales skills holding you back from getting that next promotion? You like your company and you want to be successful in it, but the idea of becoming an aggressive always-be-selling salesperson makes you cringe. Here’s some good news. It doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t need to fear selling anymore. With a new perspective and some helpful tips on conversations, you can become the kind of salesperson who customers trust and sales managers reward.
This Asher Sales Sense Podcast – “If You Can Have a Conversation, You Can Sell”- features host John Asher with guest Kim Fredrich, founder of an outsourced B2B sales firm in the Washington DC Metro Area and author of a popular book with the same name as this podcast title. Kim helps small B2B service-based businesses reach ambitious revenue goals by teaching them how to have winning sales conversations.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
The Sales Manager's Toolbox
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
The job of the sales manager was never easy, but with economic headwinds and gusts of pandemic thrown in its now harder than ever. Sales managers are closing out the year and hoping 2021 will be better, but wishing and hoping generally don’t bring in new orders. You need help. And not just any help. Help from people who for the last twenty years have been providing sales leaders with the tools they need to get the job done. Wouldn’t it be great if you were given access to all of those tools in one box for sales managers only?

Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Lifting Performance Beyond Recognition
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
Thursday Nov 19, 2020
This Asher Sales Sense Podcast – “Lifting Performance Beyond Recognition” - features host Kyla O’Connell with guest Paresh Shah, a world-recognized thought-leader on leadership, employee motivation, customer loyalty, innovation, and mindfulness. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Value Architect of Lifter Leadership, a global organizational development, and training company. Paresh has provided thought-leadership to clients across industries for over 30 years. His thinking has been featured at leading conferences such as TedX, SXSW (South by Southwest), Wisdom 2.0, International Yoga Expo, Junior Achievement Global, (WBEC) Women’s Business Executive Conference, (NMSDC) National Minority Supplier Diversity Council, International Advertising Expo, Disrupt HR, Ignite Talks, and many other major conferences and corporate events.

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
How Not to Look and Sound Like an Idiot During Online Meetings
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
You didn’t look at the time on your phone because it was stuck to your ear listening to a customer drone on in excruciating detail how he wants the installation to go and suddenly in a panic, you realize you’re late to an online staff call your boss set up to present a new company partner and you break off from your customer as best you can and head to your backroom still wearing your Bruce Springsteen tee shirt and you crash through boxes of supplies and hit the Zoom link and just as you go live on video you topple over your desk chair into the fish tank. You look and sound like an idiot. You need help (and maybe a refreshed resume).

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Online Sales Training Requires These Training Skills
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
We know online sales training works. It requires, however, a particular skill set to make it work, and John Asher explains why. This program is for sales managers, salespeople and of course, sales trainers.
In this session, John Asher explains the seven elements essential to being a good sales trainer, how these key elements stack up in both in-person and through online sales courses. This also includes a creative approach combing live webinars, demonstrations, online skills, progress reviews, and live feedback to give salespeople the tools they need to close deals faster.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Personality Stretch Strategies to Reach Optimal Performance Levels
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
It’s given that personalities matter in business and that personalities differ. We all know these truths. And yet, in the moment of seller to buyer engagement we tend to forget and focus on the what we are selling rather than to whom we are selling. And not only that, we forget to adjust our communication styles to their personality styles. How good are you at knowing your personality traits and identifying your blind spots, your extremes? What if you could modify your extremes by stretching and turning your communication limitations into communication advantages?

About Our Host John Asher
John is an experienced international speaker on sales, sales management and marketing for Vistage, a worldwide network of CEOs.
He co-founded an engineering firm in 1986. He and his team grew the company at a compounded growth rate of 42% per year for 14 straight years. During his tenure as CEO, the company acquired seven other engineering and software development companies. His team sold the company in 1997 after growing annual revenue to $165m.
In 1998, he co-founded a sales advisory services practice that has grown into a global leader in sales strategies. These strategies include sales, sales management and marketing. His team has trained over 80,000 Executives, Salespeople and other customer-facing managers in 22 countries over the past 19 years.
His team has advised a number of Global Fortune 5000 companies including Goldman Sachs, General Dynamics, Alibaba, China Mobile and 1400 other small and medium sized companies.
In his first career, John was the captain of two nuclear submarines like the Dallas in the movie “Hunt for Red October”. He completed his Navy career in the Pentagon as the Program Manager (buyer) of a $2B nuclear submarine combat systems program. More here >